Safety, Safe operation 1-1, Electrocution hazards 1-1 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual
Page 9: Minimum safe approach distance 1-1, Pre-start inspection 1-1, Work place inspection and practices 1-1, Pre-start inspection, 1-1, Safe operation, 1-1, Work place inspection and practices, 1-1, Safe operation -1 electrocution hazards -1

1. Safety
■ Safe Operation
Knowl edge of the in for ma tion in this man ual, and
proper train ing, pro vide a ba sis for safely op er at ing
the SR2770. Know the lo ca tion of all the con trols
and how they op er ate to act quickly and re spon si -
bly in an emer gency.
Safety de vices re duce the like li hood of an ac ci -
dent. Never dis able, mod ify, or ig nore any safety
de vice. Safety alerts in this man ual in di cate sit u a -
tions where ac ci dents may oc cur.
If any mal
tion, haz
ard or po
tially un
con di tion re lat ing to ca pac ity, in tended use, or safe
op er a tion is sus pected, stop the op er a tion of the
SR and seek as sis tance.
The op er a tor bears ul ti mate re spon si bil ity for fol -
low ing all man u fac tur ers in struc tions and warn -
ings, reg u la tions and safety rules of their em ployer
and/or any coun try or re gional law.
■ Electrocution Hazards
The SR is an all metal ae rial work plat form and is
not elec tri cally in su lated. Do not op er ate it near
elec tri cal con duc tors. Re gard all con duc tors as be -
ing en
gized. Do not op
ate out
side dur
ing a
thun der storm.
Minimum safe approach distance
mum safe ap
proach dis
tances to energised
power lines and their as so ci ated parts must be ob -
served wile op er at ing the SR.
Figure 1. - Minimum Safe Approach Distance
The SR is not electrically insulated. Death or
serious injury can result from contact with,
or inadequate clearance from, an energised
conductor. Do not go closer than the
minimum safe approach distance as defined
by ANSI.
ANSI pub li ca tions de fine min i mum dis tances that
must be ob served when work ing near bus bars and
energised power lines. Fig ure 1 and Ta ble 1 are re -
printed cour tesy of the Scaf fold in dus try As so ci a -
tion, ANSI/SIA A92.5.
Table 1. - Minimum Safe Approach Distance
■ Pre-start Inspection
At the start of each work shift, the SR2770 shall be
given a vi sual in spec tion and func tion test. See the
“Daily In spec tion and Main te nance” chap ter 7, in
this man ual for a list of items to in spect and test.
DO NOT operate the SR2770 unless you are
trained and authorized, understand the
operation characteristics of the SR2770, and
have inspected and tested all functions to be
sure they are in proper working order.
■ Work Place Inspection and Practices
Do not use the SR2770 as a ground for weld ing.
Ground to the work piece.
Be fore the SR2770 is used, and dur ing use, check
the area in which the SR2770 is to be used for pos -
si ble haz ards such as, but not lim ited to:
Drop-offs or holes.
Side slopes.
SR2770 – 11669A
page 1 - 1
Denotes prohibited zone
Caution: - Diagrams shown are only for purposes of illustrating
M.S.A.D. Work positions, not all work positions.
Voltage Range
(Phase to Phase
Minimum Safe Approach
0 to 300V
Avoid Contact
Over 300V to 50kV
Over 50kV to 200kV
Over 200kV to 350kV
Over 350kV to 500kV
Over 500kV to 750kV
Over 750kV to 1000kV