Maintenance iv, Responsibilities of parties iv, In summary iv – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual
Page 6: Additional information iv, Warning, Introduction

The potential for an accident increases when
the aerial platform is operated by personnel
who are not trained and authorised. Death or
s e r i o u s i n j u r y c a n r e s u l t f r o m s u c h
a c c i d e n t s . r e a d a n d u n d e rs t a n d t h e
information in this manual and on the
placards and decals on the machine before
operating the SR on the job site.
■ Maintenance
Ev ery per son who main tains, in spects, tests, or re -
pairs these ma chines, and ev ery per son su per vis -
ing any of these func tions, must be prop erly trained
and qual i fied to do so.
This Op er a tor’s Man ual pro vides a daily in spec tion
pro ce dure that will help you keep your SR in good
op er at ing con di tion.
Do not per form other main te nance un less you are a
trained me chanic, qual i fied to work on the SR. Call
qual i fied main te nance per son nel if you find prob -
lems or mal func tions.
Do not mod
ify this ma
chine with
out writ
ten ap
proval from the En gi neer ing De part ment of Snor -
kel. Mod i fi ca tion may void the war ranty, ad versely
af fect sta bil ity, or af fect the op er a tional char ac ter -
is tics of the SR.
■ Responsibilities of parties
It is im per a tive that all own ers and us ers of the SR
read, un der stand, and con form to all ap pli ca ble
reg u la tions. Ul ti mate com pli ance to OSHA reg u la -
tions is the re spon si bil ity of the user and their em -
ANSI Stan dard A92.2-2001clearly iden ti fies
ments of all par
ties who might be
in volved with Boom-Sup ported El e vat ing
Work Plat forms.
Also iden
fies the re
ments of all
p a r ti e s w h o m i g h t b e i n v o l v e d w i t h
Boom-Sup ported El e vat ing Work Plat forms.
A re print of the “Man ual of Re spon si bil i ties for
Deal ers, Own ers, Us ers, Op er a tors, Les sors and
Les sees of ANSI/SIA A92.6-1990 Self Pro pelled
El e vat ing Work Plat forms” is avail able from Snor -
kel deal ers or from the fac tory upon re quest.
Cop ies are also avail able from:
Scaf fold In dus try As so ci a tion, Inc.,
P.O. Box 1160
Phoe nix, AZ 85036-0574 USA
■ In summary
Only trained and authorised operators should
be permitted to operate the equipment.
All manufacturer’s operating instructions and
safety rules and all employers’ safety rules
and all OSHA and other government safety
rules should be strictly adhered to.
Repairs and adjustments should be made
only by qualified and trained maintenance
No modification should be made to the
equipment without prior written consent of
the Snorkel Engineering Department.
Make a pre-start inspection of the SR at the
beginning of each shift. A malfunctioning
machine must not be used.
Make an inspection of the work place to
locate possible hazards before operating the
■ Additional information
For ad di tional in for ma tion, con tact your lo cal
dealer or Snor kel at:
Snor kel In ter na tional
2/26 Red fern Street
Wether ill Park NSW 2164
Aus tra lia
Snor kel In ter na tional
PO Box 1041
Levin 5500
New Zea land
page - iv
SR2770 – 11669A