Fire fighting and chemical containment, Hazardous components 12-1, Antifreeze (un 1993) 12-1 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 66: Battery, lead/acid (un 2794) 12-1, Diesel fuel (na 1993) 12-1, Hazardous components, 12-1, Antifreeze (un 1993), 12-1, Battery, lead/acid (un 2794), 12-1, Diesel fuel (na 1993), 12-1, Hazardous components -1

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12. Fire Fighting and Chemical Containment

Hazardous Components

The SR may con tain the fol low ing ma te ri als and
ob jects that po ten tially could be come sig nif i cant
fire or en vi ron men tal haz ards dur ing the life time of
the SR:

1. Antifreeze (ethylene glycol)

2. Battery, lead/acid

3. Diesel fuel

4. Foam in tires

5. Gasoline

6. Hydraulic oil

7. Liquefied petroleum gas

8. Motor oil

The rest of this chap ter lists man u fac tur ers’ in for -
ma tion you will need if you ever have to con trol any
of the above items dur ing an up set or emer gency.

Antifreeze (UN 1993)

Fire extinguishing media:

Dry Chem i cal, foam, or CO



Special fire fighting procedures:

Wa ter spray may be in ef fec tive on fire but can pro -
tect fire fight ers and cool closed con tain ers. Use
fog noz zles if wa ter is used.

DO NOT enter confined fire space without
full bunker gear. (Helmet with face shield,
bunker coats, gloves & rubber boots). Use a
NIOSH approved positive pressure self
contained breathing apparatus. Keep
container tightly closed. Isolate from
oxidizers, heat and open flame.

Spill or leak:

Small - mop up with ab sor bent ma te rial and trans -
fer to hood.

Waste disposal method:

Small - evap o rate un til all va pors are gone. Dis -
pose of re main der by le gally ap pli ca ble meth ods.

Battery, Lead/Acid (UN 2794)

Extinguishing media:

Dry chem i cal, foam, or CO



Special fire fighting procedures:

Use pos i tive pres sure, self con tained breath ing ap -
pa ra tus.

Unusual fire and explosion hazards:

Hy dro gen and ox y gen gases are pro duced in the
cells dur ing nor mal bat tery op er a tion.

Hydrogen gas is flammable and oxygen
supports combustion. These gases enter
the air through the vent caps. To avoid the
chance of a fire or explosion, keep sparks
and other sources of ignition away from the

Spill or leak:

Re move com bus ti ble ma te ri als and all sources of
ig ni tion. Con tain spill by diking with soda ash (so -
dium car


ate) or quick

lime (cal

cium ox


Cover spill with ei ther chem i cal. Mix well. Make
cer tain mix ture is neu tral then col lect res i due and
place in a drum or other suit able con tainer. Dis -
pose of as haz ard ous waste.

ALWAYS wear acid resistant boots, face
shield, chemical splash goggles, and acid
resistant gloves when handling acid spills or


DO NOT release UN-neutralized acid!

Waste disposal method:

Sul fu ric Acid: Neu tral ize as above for a spill, col -
lect res i due, and place in a drum or suit able con -
tainer. Dis pose of as haz ard ous waste.


DO NOT flush lead contaminated acid to sewer.

Waste disposal method

Bat teries: Send to lead smelter for rec la ma tion fol -
low ing ap pli ca ble fed eral, state, and lo cal reg u la -

Diesel Fuel (NA 1993)

Extinguishing media:

Use wa ter spray, dry chem i cal, foam, or CO



SR2770 – 11669A

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