Hours 4-2, Fuel level (option) 4-2, Bubble level (stabiliser machines only) 4-2 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 25: Bubble level, 4-2, Fuel level, 4-2, Hours, 4-2, Hydraulic oil level, 4-2, Gauges

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Figure 4.5 - Hour Gauge

The HOURS gauge is ba si cally an elec tric clock. It
ac cu mu lates time only when the en gine is run ning.
T h e H O U RS g a u g e c a n n o t b e r e s e t . A n
SR-qualified ser vice tech ni cian uses it to tell when
it is time for the pe ri odic main te nance listed in the
Main te nance Man ual.

Fuel Level (option)

Figure 4.6 - Fuel Level Gauge

LPG tanks have two fuel gauges  € on top. One
measures correctly when the tank is standing on
end (VERTICAL) the other measures correctly
when the tank is laying down (HORIZONTAL).
Both read in fractions-of-a-full-tank. SR tanks are
mounted vertically. Therefore, you should read the
VERTICAL  scale (see Figure 4.6).

Bubble Level (stabiliser machines


Figure 4.7 - Bubble Level

A bub ble level is lo cated on the plat form side rail,
be low the plat form con trol box. Watch the bub ble
level while you set the sta bi lis ers. Lower the sta bi -
lis ers, one at a time, just enough to cen ter the bub -
ble in the cir cle on top of the gauge. When the
bub ble is cen tered the plat form is level and can
safely be raised.

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SR2770 – 11669A

4. Gauges