Ground control box 2-2, Level sensor 2-2, Lowering 2-2 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 18: High temperature 2-2, Low oil pressure 2-2, Drive (reverse) 2-2, Drive (forward) 2-2, Guardrails 2-2, Drive (forward), 2-2, Drive (reverse), 2-2

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Ground control box

Figure 2.4 - Ground Control Box Alarm

The alarms are con nected in par al lel, they both
emit the same pat tern of sound at the same time.
The dif fer ent alarm sound pat terns are shown in
the ta ble im me di ately be low and dis cussed be low
the ta ble.

Figure 2.5 - Alarm Sound Patterns

The high-temperature, low oil-pressure, and al ter -
na tor not-charging alarms are each a con tin u ous

The DRIVE (for

ward) and the plat


alarms beep at one beep per sec ond. DRIVE (re -
verse) beeps at two beeps per sec ond. The level
sen sor alarm is a high-low war bling sound.

Level sensor

The level sensor alarm warns the SR operator that
the SR is not level. If the tilt continues to increase,
the SR will eventually tip over. When you hear this
alarm, immediately lower the platform completely
down. When the platform is completely down,
determine and correct the cause of the tilt before
raising the platform again.


While the alarm is sounding it is not possible to
drive the SR nor raise the platform


The low er ing alarm warns peo ple near an SR that
the plat form is com ing down and the scis sor arm
as sem bly is clos ing.

High temperature

The high-temperature alarm warns you that the en -
gine is over heat ing. When the alarm sounds you
should im me di ately lower the plat form com pletely
down then turn the en gine off un til the con di tion
that caused the over heat ing has been cor rected.
(See “Au


matic Shut-Offs & Cir

cuit Breakers”

chap ter 5 for more in for ma tion.)

Low oil pressure

The low pres sure alarm warns you that the en gine
oil pres sure is near the lower limit for safe op er a tion
of the en gine. When the alarm sounds you should
im me di ately lower the plat form com pletely down
then turn the en

gine off un

til the con


tion that

caused the low oil pres sure has been cor rected.
(See “Au


matic Shut-Offs & Cir

cuit Breakers”

chap ter 5 for more in for ma tion.)

Drive (reverse)

The DRIVE (re verse) alarm alerts peo ple that the
SR is trav el ing back ward along the ground. This
alarm beeps twice as fast as the DRIVE (for ward)

Drive (forward)

The DRIVE (for ward) alarm alerts peo ple that the
SR is trav


ing for

ward along the ground. This

alarm beeps half as fast as the DRIVE (re verse)


Figure 2.6 - Guardrails

The guard rails help pro tect you from fall ing off the
plat form. Be sure the guard rails are prop erly in -
stalled and that the safety chain (or gate) and fas -
ten ers are in place.

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SR2770 – 11669A

2. Safety Devices