Flashing light (option) 7-8, Rcd / elcb (option) 7-8, Safety prop 7-8 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 39: Lanyard anchorages (option) 7-8, Emergency stop, 7-8, Flashing light, 7-8, 11-1, Rcd / elcb reset, 7-8, Safety prop, 7-8, Daily inspection and maintenance

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Pay particular attention to the Emergency Stop
switch „ to see that it turns the engine off when
struck (see Figure 7.28).

Pay particular attention to the Safety Control … to
see that it deactivates the Joystick Controller †
when the safety control … is released (see Figure

Flashing Light (option)

Figure 7.29 - Flashing Light

Check to see that the light flashes ap prox i mately
once a sec ond when the SR en gine is run ning.

RCD / ELCB (option)

Figure 7.30 - RCD / ELCB

The RCD (Re sid ual Cur rent De vice) is lo cated at
the ground and will pro tect against short cir cuits to
earth. When there is a short cir cuit the RCD will
shut down the 230v AC power to the plat form out -

To re set the out let dis con nect the power tool lead
from the plat form box and re set the RCD at the

If the prob lem per sists call a trained ser vice tech ni -

Safety prop

Figure 7.31 - Safety Prop

In spect the safety prop(s) to see that it is pres ent
and moves freely.

Lanyard Anchorages (option)

Check all four lan yard an chor ages on the floor of
the plat form to see that they are pres ent, not de -
formed, that they move freely, and that they are se -
curely at tached to the plat form.

page 7 - 8

SR2770 – 11669A

7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance