Guardrails 7-6, Bubble level (machines with stabilisers) 7-6, Guides, rollers, and slides 7-6 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 37: Charging system 7-6, Bubble level, 7-6, Charging syatem, 7-6, Guides rollers and slides, 7-6, Guardrails, 7-6, Lanyard anchorages, 7-6, Daily inspection and maintenance

background image

Figure 7.20 - Structural Damage and Welds

Vi sually in spect all welds for cracks, all struc tural

bers for de


mity, and all sheet metal for

dents that could in ter fere with ma chine op er a tion.


Figure 7.21 - Guardrails

Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to the guard rails. Make
sure the guard rails are prop erly in stalled, that all
the fas ten ers are in place, and that the swing ing
gate is in place and works prop erly.

Bubble Level (machines with


Figure 7.22 - Bubble Level

Vi sually check to see that the bub ble level is not
dam aged, that it is full of fluid, that the bub ble does
not ex ceed the di am e ter of the cen ter black cir cle,
and the sur

face on which the bub

ble level is

mounted is not de formed or bent out of level.

Guides, rollers, and slides

Figure 7.23 - Guides Rollers and Slides

Vi sually check slides (1), and roll ers (3) for wear or
dam age. Be sure that the guides (2) are free of de -
bris and al

low the slides and roll

ers to move


Charging System

Figure 7.24 - Ammeter Gauge

With the engine idling, the needle in the AMPS
gauge should not be to the left of “0" (left of ”0" is

page 7 - 6

SR2770 – 11669A

7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance