Safety prop 2-3, Swinging gate 2-3, Safety control 2-3 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 19: Bubble level 2-3, Operator horn 2-3, Bubble level, 2-3, Operator horn, 2-3, Safety control, 2-3, Safety prop, 2-3, Swinging gate, 2-3

background image

Safety Prop

Figure 2.7 - Safety Prop

Al ways raise the safety prop then lower the scis -
sor-arm as


bly onto the safety prop be



ing into the scis

sor-arm as


bly for any

rea son. The safety chain should be closed at all
times ex cept when some one is en ter ing or leav ing
the plat form.

Swinging Gate

Figure 2.8 - Swinging Gate

The swing ing gate should be closed at all times ex -
cept when some one is en ter ing or leav ing the plat -

Safety Control

Figure 2.9 - Joystick Safety Control

The safety con trol must be squeezed and held to
ac ti vate the joy stick. The safety con trol pre vents
the joy stick from mov ing the plat form if some thing
ac ci den tally pushes the joy stick. Do not dis able the
safety con trol in any way.

Bubble Level

Figure 2.10 - Bubble Level

See the “Gauges” chap ter 4 for a dis cus sion of the
bub ble level.

Operator Horn

Figure 2.11 - Operator Horn

The op er a tor horn is used pri mar ily to get the at ten -
tion of peo ple on the ground when you are work ing
aloft. For the horn to work the fol low ing switches,
on the ground con trol box, must be set as in di -

SR2770 – 11669A

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2. Safety Devices