Tipover and falling hazards 1-3, General safety precautions 1-3, Hydraulic system precautions 1-3 – Snorkel SR2770 User Manual

Page 11: Fire prevention 1-3, Electrocution, 1-3, 8-1, Falling hazards, 1-3, Hydraulic systems, 1-3, Tipover hazard, 1-3, Danger, Safety

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Tipover and Falling Hazards

Operate the SR only on a firm, flat, level surface
capable of withstanding all load forces imposed by
the SR2770 in all operating conditions.

The SR can tip over if it becomes unstable.
Death or serious injury can result from a
tip-over accident. Do not drive or position
the SR platform for elevated use near any
drop-off, hole, slope, soft or uneven ground,
or other tip-over hazard.

Do not op


ate the SR2770 from a po

si tion on

trucks, trail ers, rail way cars, float ing ves sels, scaf -
folds, or sim i lar equip ment un less the ap pli ca tion is
ap proved in writ ing by Snor kel.

Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electric cords,
and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled in the
aerial platform. If the platform or elevating
assembly becomes caught, snagged, or otherwise
prevented from normal motion by an adjacent
structure or other obstacle such that control
reversal does not free the platform, remove all
personnel from the platform before attempts are
made to free the platform using ground controls.

Un der nor mal work ing con di tions it is best not to
trans fer from the plat form to an other struc ture or
vice versa, un less that is the saf est way to do the
job. Each sit u a tion must be judged sep a rately tak -
ing the work en vi ron ment into ac count. The fol low -
ing guide lines ap ply:

1. Where possible, place the work platform over

a roof or walking structure to do the transfer.

2. Transfer your anchorage from one structure

to another before you step across.

3. Remember, you might be departing the work

platform to a structure where fall arrest is

4. Do not climb over or through the guardrails.

Use the platform entrance.

All plat form oc cu pants MUST wear and use fall re -
straint. At tach fall re straints to the plat form lan yard
an chor points.

Do not ex ceed the un re stricted plat form ca pac ity
as in di cated on the ca pac ity plac ard at the en


trance to the plat form. Do not carry loads from any
point out side of the plat form.

Make sure that all pro tec tive guards, cowl ings, and
doors are in place and se cure. Be sure the guard -
rail sys tem, in clud ing the gate, is in place and se -

Do not climb on the guardrails or use ladders,
planks, or other devices to extend or increase your
work position from the platform.

Do not use the SR as a crane, hoist, or jack,or for
any other pur pose other than to po si tion per son nel,
their tools, and ma te ri als.

Do not op er ate the SR2770 in winds, or wind gusts,
of 28 mph, 45kph 12.5 m/s) or more and do not add
any thing to the SR2770 that will in crease the wind
load ing (ban ners, flags, etc.).

General Safety Precautions

Do not mod ify the SR2770 in any way.

When parts or com po nents are re placed, they shall
be iden ti cal or equiv a lent to orig i nal Snor kel parts
or com po nents.

Do not over ride any of the safety fea tures of the

Hydraulic System Precautions

The hy drau lic sys tem con tains hoses with hy drau -
lic fluid un der pres sure.

Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can
have enough force to inject fluid into the
flesh. Serious infection or reaction can
result if medical treatment is not given
immediately. In case of injury by escaping
hydraulic fluid, seek medical attention at

DO NOT place your hand or any part of your body in
front of es cap ing hy drau lic fluid. Use a piece of
card board or wood to search for hy drau lic leaks.

Do not at tempt re pairs to hy drau lic sys tems un less
you are trained. Re fer to ex pe ri enced re pair per -
son nel for help.

Fire Prevention

Never op er ate your SR near a flame or spark. Hy -
drau lic oil and gas o line are flam ma ble and can ex -


This machine is equipped with an internal
combustion engine (in it's standard configuration)
and should not be used on or near any
unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or
grass covered land unless the engine's exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting
applicable laws. If a spark arrester is used, it

SR2770 – 11669A

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1. Safety