The apple publishing system – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145B User Manual
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The Apple Publishing System
This Apple manual was written and edited on a desktop publishing system using Apple
Macintosh computers and QuarkXPress. Proof pages were created on Apple LaserWriter
printers and on the QMS Colorscript 100 color printer. Final pages were produced in
QuarkXPress and output directly to separated film on PostScript driven imagesetters.
Line art and part openers were created with Adobe Illustrator. Cover art was produced
with Adobe Photoshop. Screen shots were created and modified with system software,
Exposure, SuperPaint, and MacPaint.
Text type is Apple’s corporate font, a condensed version of Garamond. Ornaments are
custom symbols designed for Apple Computer. Some elements, such as computer voice,
are set in Apple Courier, a fixed-width font.
, the LaserWriter page-description language, was developed by Adobe
Systems Incorporated.
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