Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145B User Manual

Page 287

background image

32-bit addressing 164
time 148–149, 269
trackball speed 154
troubleshooting and 247
Users & Groups control panel 200–201,

203–205, 207–208, 211–212, 221

Views control panel 142, 158
virtual memory 163–164

Copy command 98
copying. See also backing up

disks 78–79, 82–83, 119, 125
documents 69–70, 253
files without a floppy disk drive 92
icons 240
items to and from Scrapbook 98

copyright law, file sharing and 202
crashes 17–18, 246

aliases 134
documents 57
folders 132
folders on shared disks 197
RAM disk 99–100
stationery 140–141
virtual memory 163–164, 231

currency formats, changing 153
cursor. See arrow pointer; insertion point
Cut command 64, 166


damage to computer 235, 247
DAs. See desk accessories (DAs)
Date & Time control panel

changing date format 151
changing time format 152
Map control panel and 269
setting date and time 148–149

DCA-RFT/MacWrite translator file 265
dealer support 235–236
Delete key 57, 259

files 71–72, 253
Scrapbook items 98
text 63–64
typing errors 57

deselecting an item 39
desk accessories (DAs)

Battery 86, 101–103
Chooser 173–175, 191–192
Key Caps 186, 260–261
switching between 96


changing background pattern 168–170
Clean Up Desktop command 40
contents of 16, 50–52
dragging an object on 39

hiding and showing windows on 96
moving an item to 135
pointing to an object on 36
printing contents of 179
selecting an object on 37
startup and 5, 16
straightening up 131
VM Storage file 164

development tools 238
device drivers 224, 249
diacritical marks, typing 260–261
dimmed icons 96
directory dialog box 133, 244
disk cache 162, 250
diskettes. See floppy disks
Disk First Aid 18, 127, 128–129
disk repair programs 18, 125, 129
disks. See CD-ROM disc; floppy disks; hard

disk; RAM disk; shared disks;
startup disk

Disk Tools disk

Apple HD SC Setup program 113–114,

127, 130

Disk First Aid 127, 128–130
initializing hard disk with 113
PowerBook 145B Restore program 123
restarting with 18

display. See screen
Document Content Architecture (DCA)

format 265

278 Index