Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145B User Manual

Page 299

background image

SCSI cables 224, 226, 227
SCSI chains 128, 226–227
SCSI devices

connecting 227, 229
ID numbers for 114, 128, 224–225
installing software for 224
overview 223–224
terminators for 128, 226, 227
troubleshooting 250–251

SCSI icon 223, 227
SCSI ID numbers 114, 128, 224–225
SCSI port 7, 223, 227
SCSI terminators 128, 226, 227
searches 136–139
selecting an icon 37, 40–41
selecting text 63–64, 67–68
service locations 235–236, 245
setting up computer 1–6. See also peripheral


on a network 190–192

shared disk icons 51, 196
shared disks. See also access privileges; file

sharing; network

accessing files on 197–202
access privileges for 213–215
aliases for 134, 196
belonging to you 199–202
ceasing to share 202
changing ownership of 209

changing your password 197–198,


connecting to 193–197
creating new folders on 197
disconnecting from 126, 195
folder ownership on 197, 199, 209, 213
preventing access to your

computer 207–208

reconnecting to 209
selecting a disk to share 201–202
sleep and 110, 248
troubleshooting 194, 256–257

shared files. See file sharing
Sharing command 199, 201–202, 206, 209,


Sharing Setup control panel

changing your password 212–213
identifying your computer on a

network 192

turning file sharing off 209–210
turning file sharing on 200
turning program linking on 220

shift-clicking 67, 239. See also clicking;


Shift key, system extensions and 247
short-circuiting battery 26

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts
short-term storage 234
Show All command 96
Show Balloons command 87
Shut Down command 13

RAM disk and 99, 100

size box 44–45, 46–47
size of window, changing 44–45, 58, 240

AppleTalk and 192
automatic 14, 103, 110, 111
battery conservation settings

and 110–111, 252

hard disk sleep 111
low-power messages and 103
networks and 110, 192, 248
power states and 15
preventing 110, 192, 248
putting the PowerBook to sleep 14
startup process and 16
system sleep 111
travel and 233
troubleshooting and 246, 248
waking the computer from 13, 14, 15, 19
when to use 14, 109

Sleep button 102

290 Index