Organizing productions – Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual

Page 61

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After you add an asset alias to a production, Final Cut Server tracks the asset as a linked
asset. You can find out what productions an asset is linked to by opening the asset’s info
window and clicking Resources. A list of productions that the asset is linked to is displayed
in the bottom-right area of the asset info window.

This asset is linked
to two productions.

Click Resources in the
asset info window.

To remove an asset alias from a production


Open the production’s info window.


Select the asset that you want to remove from the production.


Control-click the asset, then choose Remove from Production from the shortcut menu.

The asset alias is removed from the production.

Organizing Productions

At certain points in your workflow, you may need to move, copy, and delete productions.
Keep in mind that unlike assets, productions do not have aliases.

To move a production to the Productions pane (top-level) of the main window


Locate the production you want to move.


Open the production’s info window by doing one of the following:

• Double-click the production.

• Control-click the production, then choose Get Info from the shortcut menu.


Click the Action button and, in the pop-up menu that appears, choose Move to Top Level.

The production appears as a top-level production.

To move a production to another location within a production hierarchy


Locate the production you want to move.


Chapter 4

Organizing and Searching the Final Cut Server Catalog