Checking out a final cut pro project – Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual

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Final Cut Server cannot modify a Final Cut Pro project’s media links. While Final Cut Server
is managing a Final Cut Pro project, media can go offline because the project asset was
uploaded incorrectly, or because the media files went offline while the project was being
edited in Final Cut Pro and was then uploaded with offline media.

If the project’s media was not linked correctly at upload or checkin and went offline when
it was uploaded to Final Cut Server, you should check out the project, relink the media,
and then check it back in to Final Cut Server.

If the project’s media is unlinked in Final Cut Pro, you should attempt to relink the media
in Final Cut Pro.

Moving Projects Between Final Cut Server and Final Cut Pro

After uploading a Final Cut Pro project, it’s easy to revise and update the original project.
Simply check out the project, modify it in Final Cut Pro, save it, and then check the project
back in. At checkin, the Final Cut Pro project asset is updated in Final Cut Server.


Your Final Cut Server administrator can create a copy of the asset for editing

directly on an Xsan server, thus eliminating the need to download, cache, or check out
the asset; instead, you can drag your asset directly from the Assets pane to an application
for editing. To do this, edit-in-place must be set up by your Final Cut Server administrator.
Ask your Final Cut Server administrator if edit-in-place is configured on your Final Cut Server

You can save versions of previous project assets by turning on version control. After
turning on version control, you can save a copy every time a new version of an asset is
checked in. See

Adding Versions for a Media or Project Asset

for more information about

version control.

Remember that checking out the Final Cut Pro project is the only way to maintain the
project asset. If you export a copy of the Final Cut Pro asset, or if you simply drag the
asset out onto your desktop, you are creating an unmanaged copy of the Final Cut Pro
project that is not tracked by Final Cut Server. If you make changes to an unmanaged
Final Cut Pro project, you will have to upload it to Final Cut Server as a new asset.

Checking Out a Final Cut Pro Project

Checking out a Final Cut Pro project creates a managed copy of the project at the location
you specify. When you check out a Final Cut Pro project, the project asset’s primary
representation is locked and cannot be modified by other users. Additionally, every media
asset that is used in the project is locked with a Reference lock and cannot be modified
by other users.


Chapter 7

Working with Final Cut Pro Projects