Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual

Page 46

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When uploading a DVD Studio Pro project file and its linked media files, there

is no need to upload .par files. When you check out and open the project in
DVD Studio Pro, the .par files will be automatically re-created.

The project file and its media are saved in a folder at the location you specified.


In Final Cut Server, create a new production for the project and its assets by following
these steps:


Open the Productions pane by clicking Productions in the column at the left of the
main Final Cut Server window.


Click the New Production button in the Toolbar.


Choose a metadata set for the new production from the Metadata Set pop-up menu.


Depending on the production type you chose, a number of production metadata fields
appear. Enter a title and other unique metadata for the project in these fields. Fields
marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.


Click Save Changes to save the new production.


Drag the folder that contains the project file and its linked media from the Finder to the
new production in the Final Cut Server Productions pane.


In the dialog that appears, choose to upload individual assets and then click Create.


A dialog appears, advising that Final Cut Server is unable to manage references that may
exist in the project file you are uploading. Click Continue.

The Multiple Link Upload window appears. Note that the Associate with Production field
shows the production that you dragged the folder to.

Add metadata to
differentiate the files
being uploaded.

The name of the
production that you
dragged the folder
to appears here.


Choose a metadata set for the assets from the Metadata Set pop-up menu.

Add unique metadata to the files being uploaded. Adding project-related metadata will
help you keep track of the assets that are linked to the project asset.


If necessary, choose a new destination device from the Destination pop-up menu.


Chapter 3

Uploading Files to Final Cut Server