Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual
Page 113

Note: To avoid losing track of checked-out projects, you can create a “Checked out
Final Cut Server projects” or similar folder on the desktop or in another convenient location.
Click the Check Out button.
The Final Cut Pro project asset is marked with the checkout icon in Final Cut Server. The
project and its linked media files are downloaded to your Final Cut Server cache location,
and an alias to the cached copy of the Final Cut Pro project is created in the location you
specified in the Check Out Final Cut Pro Project window.
You can track the progress of the checkout by watching the Jobs in Progress indicator.
The spinning gear indicates that Final Cut Server is downloading copies of the files you
checked out, and the number indicates the number of files being downloaded. For more
information, you can open the Downloads & Uploads window, which shows the specific
files being downloaded and information about the status of each downloaded file.
To check out a Final Cut Pro project to an external drive that will be connected to a
computer that is not connected to the Final Cut Server network
Locate the Final Cut Pro project asset that you want to check out.
Do one of the following:
• Select the Final Cut Pro project, then click the Check Out button in the Toolbar.
• Control-click the Final Cut Pro project, then choose Check Out from the shortcut menu.
In the Check Out Final Cut Pro window, navigate to the external drive you will be using
to transport the Final Cut Pro project by clicking the Choose button and identifying a
location in the file browser.
Note: To avoid losing track of checked-out projects, you can create a “Checked out
Final Cut Server Projects” or similar folder.
If the Edit Proxy feature has not been turned on, original media will be used by default.
If the Edit Proxy feature has been turned on, choose Original Media or Edit Proxy from
the Use pop-up menu.
This defines the media type that will be used while you’re editing the project.
Select the Keep Media with Project checkbox.
Chapter 7
Working with Final Cut Pro Projects