Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual
Page 112

When you check out a project, you get to choose the location to check the project out
to. You also get to choose whether or not to include copies of the linked media assets at
the checkout location.
Select this checkbox to
include copies of the
linked media files at the
checkout location.
How you use these options depends on the device you are checking the project out to.
You can either check out a project on a system that has been connected to Final Cut Server,
like a laptop computer, or to an external drive.
If you are checking out the project to a computer that is connected to the Final Cut Server
network (for example, a portable computer that you carry between your work and your
home), you do not need to include the linked media in your checkout. This is because
the media files are stored in the computer’s Final Cut Server cache. After checking out
the project, you can carry your computer home and edit the checked-out project while
you are not connected to the Final Cut Server network. When you go back to work the
next day, you can log in to Final Cut Server and check in the edited project.
If you are checking the project out to an external drive, you must include the linked media
in your checkout. You do this by selecting the Keep Media with Project checkbox in the
Check Out window. Because the Final Cut Server cache is stored on your local computer,
a project that is checked out to an external drive will not have access to the media files
that are used in the Final Cut Pro project. Including the media in your checkout location
provides those files.
To check out a Final Cut Pro project to a portable computer for editing while not
connected to the Final Cut Server network
Log in to Final Cut Server using the computer on which you want to check out the project.
In Final Cut Server, locate the Final Cut Pro project asset that you want to check out.
Do one of the following:
• Select the Final Cut Pro project, then click the Check Out button in the Toolbar.
• Control-click the Final Cut Pro project, then choose Check Out from the shortcut menu.
In the Check Out Final Cut Pro window, choose a location to save the checked-out
Final Cut Pro project to by clicking the Choose button and identifying a location in the
file browser.
Chapter 7
Working with Final Cut Pro Projects