Apple Xsan 1.4 User Manual

Page 116

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Chapter 4

Managing Clients and Users

Hard Quota

The hard quota is an absolute limit on the space a user or group can occupy. Users are

prevented from using more space than specified by their hard quotas. A user who tries

to exceed the hard quota sees a message containing the error code -1425.

Grace Period

A user or group can exceed the soft quota without penalty as long as each returns

below the soft quota within the grace period you specify.

Soft Quotas Change to Hard Quotas

If a user or group exceeds the soft quota for a time longer than the grace period, the

soft quota is changed to a hard quota, and the user or group will not be able to save

additional data on the volume until each deletes old files and returns below the soft



Suppose you assign Aldo a soft quota of 75 GB, a hard quota of 100 GB, and a grace

period of 48 hours. Aldo’s files can occupy up to 75 GB of space at any time, for as long

as he needs them. If Aldo is surprised by additional or unusually large files, he can still

copy them to the volume, up to a total of 100 GB. He then has 48 hours to remove files

and return below the 75 GB soft limit. If he is still using more than 75 GB after 48 hours,

Xsan resets his hard quota to 75 GB and he is forced to reduce his storage use. Aldo is

unable to copy or save additional files to the volume until he deletes enough to return

below the 75 GB quota.