Sh – sw – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual
Page 300
shift-clicking 63, 233
Shift key 253
Clean Up command and 125
system extensions and 241
short-circuiting battery 23
See keyboard shortcuts
short-term storage 228
Show All command 94
Show Balloons command 83
Shut Down command 17
size box 40–41, 42–43
size of window, changing 40–41, 54, 234
sleep 18, 19, 110–111
AppleTalk and 186
automatic 18, 103, 110, 111
battery conservation settings and
hard disk sleep 111
low-power messages and 103
networks and 110, 186, 242
preventing 110, 186, 242
startup process and 20
system sleep 111
travel and 227
troubleshooting and 240, 242
waking the computer from 10, 17, 18, 110
when to use 18, 109
Sleep button 102
Sleep command 18, 97
Slow Keys feature 150
Small Computer System Interface.
See application programs;
programs; system software
software development support 232
software drivers 218, 245
software licensing agreements 92, 196
Sound control panel 159–161
sound input port 9, 161, 224
sound output devices 224
sound output port 9, 224
See also microphone
alarm clock 143–144
choosing 159
installing 160
recording 161–162
removing 141, 160
setting volume of 159
Slow Keys alert 150
speakers 9, 224
special characters, typing 254–255
Special menu
Clean Up command 36, 125
Eject Disk command 120
Empty Trash command 68, 98
Erase Disk command 98, 116
Restart command 7, 21
Shut Down command 17
Sleep command 18
start page, LaserWriter 181
from floppy disks 22, 91
opening items automatically at 140
scanning order for 117
troubleshooting 5, 21–22, 239
startup disk 20, 71, 79, 87, 91
conserving power with 158
designating 116
installing system software on 87–89
RAM disk as 99, 109
scanning order for 117
System Folder on 79, 91, 158
troubleshooting 5, 87, 88, 91, 121–122,
virtual memory and 158
Startup Disk control panel 99, 116
startup disk icon 20
Startup Items folder 92, 140
stationery, creating 134–135
Sticky Keys feature 150
storing the computer 103, 228–229
storing items in Scrapbook 96
background printing with 175
power adapter caution 223
submenus 237–238
suitcases, font 177, 178
support services 229–230
Switch Disk button 89
284 Index