Comparing locations 264, Comparing locations – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual

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2. Type the city nearest your current location and then

click the Find button (or press the Return key).

If you aren’t sure how the city is spelled, type the first few
letters and press the Return key. If the city isn’t found, you can
add it to the list of cities stored in Map (instructions are given
elsewhere in this appendix).

3. Click the Set button.

Your current location is indicated by a blinking cross.

Comparing locations

After you set your computer’s location, you can use Map to find


the distance from your location to another location


the time at another location


the time difference between your location and another

Open the Map control panel and find or add the other location
(instructions are given elsewhere in this appendix). You can also
choose a location by clicking anywhere on the map (the unnamed
location’s coordinates appear in the boxes for latitude and

264 Appendix C: Map

Local time in
location shown

Distance to
location shown

Click here to

display time
