Ca – cr, Index 271 – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual
Page 287
case sensitivity
passwords and 187, 198
registered user names and 188, 197
CD-ROM disc
access privileges for 209
ejecting 120
selecting for sharing 195–196
character repeat rate, adjusting 149
character sets 253–255
Chooser 167–169, 185–186
See Map control panel
cleaning the computer 25, 28
Clean Up command 36, 125
Clear command 96
clicking 33, 35.
See also double-clicking;
Clipboard 60
clock, setting 142
close box 44, 45
CloseView control panel 164–166
Close Window command 46, 75
cold, computer use and 25
colon (:), in icon names 66
color documents, printing 173
comfort tips 27–29
Command key 49, 62, 238, 253
ejecting disks with 120
startup scan and 117
undoing last action with 252
choosing 36
keyboard shortcuts for 62, 238
computer viruses 93, 241
connectors, safety tips for 24
contrast control 5, 9, 10, 28, 239
Control key 49, 253
control panels
appearance of Finder windows 152
background pattern 162–164
battery conservation 82–83, 109–112, 242
beep sound 159
blinking rates 151
currency formats 147
date and time 142–143, 263
disk cache 156
Easy Access 150
file sharing 194–195, 197–198, 201, 202,
guest access 194–195
keyboard response 149
labels 142
magnifying screen images 164–166
map 263–266
memory 97, 98, 109, 156–158
modem selection 222
monitoring file sharing 204–205
mouse 148
network identity 186, 194, 203–204,
number formats 147
passwords 186, 198, 206–207
processor cycling 112
program linking 214, 215–216
sleep 110–111
sound 159–161
startup disk 99, 116
32-bit addressing 158
time 142–143, 263
trackball speed 148
troubleshooting and 241
Views 136, 152
virtual memory 157–158
Copy command 96
a disk 74–75, 78–79, 119
a document 65–66, 247
files without a floppy disk 92
icons 234
items to and from Scrapbook 96
copyright law, file sharing and 196
crashes 21, 240
alias 128
document 53
folder 126
folder on shared disk 191
RAM disk 97–98
stationery 134–135
virtual memory 157–158, 225