Sa – sh – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual
Page 299
safety instructions 23–25
battery 23, 25, 107
floppy disk 75
hard disk 24, 121
malfunction or damage 229
power adapter 2, 24, 25, 104, 223
RAM disk 97
SCSI devices 221
traveling 227–228
viruses 93
Save As command 127, 134
Save command 53–54, 62, 134
changes 61
in a directory 127
documents 53–54, 127, 247
documents as templates 134–135
and quitting 64
scalable fonts 176
scanning order for startup disks 117
Scrapbook 96
background pattern, changing 162–164
battery and 101, 104, 109, 243
brightness control 5, 9, 10, 28, 239, 243
cleaning 25, 28
comfort tips 28
contrast control 5, 9, 10, 28, 239, 243
external monitors 104
magnifying image on 164–166
opening 3
position of 3, 243
power consumption of 109
safety tips for 25
troubleshooting 5, 10, 239, 243
waking from sleep 10, 17, 18, 110
scroll bars 43–44
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) 217
SCSI cables 218, 220, 221
SCSI chains 122, 220–221
SCSI devices 217–221
connecting 221, 223
ID numbers for 114, 122, 218–219
installing software for 218
terminators for 122, 220, 221
troubleshooting 244–245
SCSI icon 217, 221
SCSI ID numbers 114, 122, 218–219
SCSI port 9, 217, 221
SCSI terminators 122, 220, 221
searches 91,130–133
selecting an icon 33, 36–37
selecting text 59–60, 63–64
service locations 229–230, 239
setting up.
See also peripheral devices
computer 1–9
computer on a network 184–186
See also
access privileges; file sharing;
accessing files on 191–196
access privileges for 207–209
aliases for 128, 190
belonging to you 193–196
ceasing to share 196
changing ownership of 203
changing your password 191–92, 206–207
connecting to 187–191
creating new folders on 191
disconnecting from 120, 189
folder ownership on 191, 193, 203, 207
preventing access to your computer
reconnecting to 203
selecting a disk to share 195–196
sleep and 110, 242
troubleshooting 188, 250–251
shared files.
See file sharing
Sharing command 193, 195, 196, 200, 203,
Sharing Setup control panel
changing your password 206–207
identifying your computer on a network
turning file sharing off 203–204
turning file sharing on 194
turning program linking on 214