Working with several programs at a time 94, Finding out what programs are open 94, Switching programs 94 – Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual

Page 110: Hiding and showing windows on the desktop 94, Working with several programs at a time, Finding out what programs are open, Switching programs, Hiding and showing windows on the desktop

Working with several programs at a time 94, Finding out what programs are open 94, Switching programs 94 | Hiding and showing windows on the desktop 94, Working with several programs at a time, Finding out what programs are open, Switching programs, Hiding and showing windows on the desktop | Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual | Page 110 / 304 Working with several programs at a time 94, Finding out what programs are open 94, Switching programs 94 | Hiding and showing windows on the desktop 94, Working with several programs at a time, Finding out what programs are open, Switching programs, Hiding and showing windows on the desktop | Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145 User Manual | Page 110 / 304