AMX Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller NI-3101-SIG User Manual
Page 73

NetLinx Security within the Web Server
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
Once an authorized user has modified any of the server port settings, press the Update button to save
these changes to the Master. Once these changes are saved, the following message appears: "Unit must be
rebooted for the change to take effect"
Click the Reboot button (from the top of the page) to remotely reboot the target Master. No dialog
appears while using this button. The Online Tree then reads "Rebooting....". After a few seconds, the
Server Port Settings (Cont.)
HTTP Port:
The port value used for unsecure HTTP Internet communication between the
web browser’s UI and the target Master.
• The default port value is 80.
• By default, the Master does not have security enabled and must use http:// in
the Address field for communication.
• One method of adding security to HTTP communication would be to change
the port value.
- If the port value is changed, any consecutive session to the target Master
has to add the port value at the end of the address (within the Address field).
For example, if the port were changed to 99, the new address information
would be:
• By disabling this port, the administrator (or other authorized user) can require
that any consecutive sessions between the UI and the target Master are
done over a more secure HTTPS connection.
The port value used by web browser to securely communicate between the
web server UI and the target Master. This port is also used to simultaneously
encrypt this data using the SSL certificate information on the Master as a key.
• The default port value is 443.
• This port is used not only used to communicate securely between the
browser (using the web server UI) and the Master using HTTPS but also
provide a port for use by the SSL encryption key (embedded into the
• Whereas SSL creates a secure connection between a client and a server,
over which any amount of data can be sent securely, HTTPS is designed to
transmit individual messages securely. Therefore both HTTPS and SSL can
be seen as complementary and are configured to communicate over the
same port on the Master.
• These two methods of security and encryption are occurring simultaneously
over this port as data is being transferred.
• Another method of adding security to HTTPS communication would be to
change the port value.
- If the port value is changed, any consecutive session to the target Master
has to add the port value at the end of the address (within the Address field).
For example, if the port were changed to 99, the new address information
would be:
SSH Port:
The port value used for secure Telnet communication.
Note: SSH version 2 is only supported.
• The default port value is 22.
• A separate secure SSH Client would handle communication over this port.
• When using a secure SSH login, the entire login session (including the
transmission of passwords) is encrypted; therefore it is secure method of
preventing an external user from collecting passwords.
Note: If this port’s value is changed, make sure to use it within the Address field
of the SSH Client application.
FTP Port:
The port value used for FTP communication. This port can be disabled/
enabled but the value can not be changed.
• The default port value is 21.
• When an application such as TPDesign uploads information to the target
Master via an FTP connection; it is this port which is used by default.