AMX Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller NI-3101-SIG User Manual

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NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller

NI-3101-SIG Specifications (Cont.)

Input/Output LEDs

White Output LED blinks when the Controller transmits data, sets channels
On/Off, sends data strings, etc. White Input LED blinks when it receives data
from button pushes, strings, commands, channel levels, etc.

RS-232/422/485 LEDs

Six sets of blue and white LEDs light to indicate the rear serial Ports 1 - 6 are
transmitting or receiving RS-232, 422, or 485 data:
• TX LEDs (blue) light when transmitting data
• RX LEDs (white) light when receiving data
• LED activity reflects transmission and reception activity

Relay LEDs

Eight blue LEDs light to indicate the rear relay channels 1 - 8 are active
• These LEDs reflect the state of the relay on Port 8
• If the relay is engaged = LED On and if the relay is Off = LED Off

IR/Serial LEDs

Eight blue LEDs light to indicate the rear IR/Serial channels 1 - 8 are
transmitting control data on Ports 9 - 16.
• LED indicator for each IR port remains lit for the length of time that IR/Serial

data is being generated.


Eight white LEDs light when the rear I/O channels 1-8 are active
• LED indicator for each I/O port reflects the state of that particular port.

Rear Panel Connectors:

RS-232/422/485 (Ports 1 - 6) Six RS-232/422/485 control ports using DB9 (male) connectors with XON/

XOFF (transmit on/transmit off), CTS/RTS (clear to send/ready to send), and
300-115,200 baud.
• Channel range = 1-255
• Channels 1-254 provide feedback
• Channel 255 (CTS Push channel): Reflects the state of the CTS Input if a

'CTSPSH' command was sent to the port

• Output data format for each port is selected via software
• Six DB9 connectors provide RS-232/422/485 termination

Relay (Port 8)

Eight-channel single-pole single-throw relay ports.
• Each relay is independently controlled.
• Supports up to 8 independent external relay devices
• Channel range = 1-8
• Each relay can switch up to 24 VDC or 28 VAC @ 1 A
• Two 8-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) connectors provide relay


Digital I/O (Port 17)

Eight-channel binary I/O port for contact closure.
• Each input is capable of voltage sensing. Input format is software


• Interactive power sensing for IR ports
• Channel range = 1-8
• All inputs are assigned to respective IR/Serial ports for "automatic" power

control through the use of software commands. Power control is provided
via commands such as: ’PON’, ’POF’, ’POD’, ’DELAY’, I/O Link etc.).

• Contact closure between GND and an I/O port is detected as a PUSH
• When used as voltage input - I/O port detects a low signal (0- 1.5 VDC) as a

PUSH and a high signal (3.5 - 5 VDC) as a RELEASE

• When used as an output - each I/O port acts as a switch to GND and is

rated at 200 mA @ 12 VDC

• 10-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) connector provides I/O port


Note: This IO port uses 5V logic, but can handle up to 12V on the input
without harm. Higher voltages run a higher risk of surge damage.