AMX Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller NI-3101-SIG User Manual
Page 7

Table of Contents
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
Common Steps for Requesting a Certificate from a CA.......................................... 68
Manage NetLinx Devices - Displaying NDP-capable devices......................................... 78
Manage NetLinx Devices - Obtaining NetLinx Device information ............................... 79
System Settings - Manage Other Devices - Dynamic Device Discovery Pages........ 80
What is the difference between Program and Run-time defined binding? ................... 84
Manage Other Devices - Manage Device Bindings ................................................. 85
Manage Other Devices Menu - Viewing Discovered Devices ........................................ 88
Manage Other Devices Menu - Creating a new User-Defined Device ........................... 89
How do I write a program that uses Dynamic Device Discovery ................................... 90
Accessing an SSL-Enabled Master via an IP Address .............................................. 92
NetLinx Security with a Terminal Connection ...................................................99