Nor-Lake Refrigeration Systems User Manual
Page 24

09/14 Rev. E 101628
Final Checklist for Installation of Nor-Lake
Walk-in and Refrigeration
Store Number: _______________
Sales Order No.: ____________
Store Location: _______________________________________
Dear Site Supervisor / Contractor:
Thank you for looking to Nor-Lake for your refrigeration needs. Our goal is to supply you with the
best equipment offered today. When the job is done and the equipment is running properly, the
inspection report below should be filled out completely.
If there are any questions, concerns, service or parts needs, please contact the Nor-Lake Service
Department at 800-388-5253. Please have the equipment model and serial numbers at the time
of your call.
Things to Review when Inspecting an Installation
(To be filled out by the installing refrigeration contractor)
1. Does the installation look professional?
2. Are there any dents or unsightly scratches?
3. Is the door section and door plumb and level / Does the door close properly?
4. Are the walls level across the top?
5. Have all thermometers been set and calibrated?
6. Is the walk-in box installation complete / trim and closure installed?
– Evaporator Section
1. Does the installation look professional?
2. Do the drain lines have a slope?
3. Is the drain line wrapped in heat tape and insulated? (Freezers only)
4. Has the temperature control been properly set?
5. Verify superheat at expansion valve 10°
6. Verify superheat at compressor 20°
7. Do all the functions of the evaporator work
– fan motors, defrost heaters (if
applicable), defrost termination and fan cycle thermostat (if applicable)?
Refrigeration - Condensing Unit Section
1. Does the installation look professional?
2. Is the housing in place?
3. Have all the operation pressures been checked?
Record of system pressures should be attached to this report before final sign off.