Campbell Scientific PS200/CH200 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual

Page 83

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Appendix A. Advanced Programming Techniques

'Send out the PS/CH200 command followed by a carriage return.

SerialOut (COMPRT,BATTEST_CMD,"",1,3)
SerialOut (COMPRT,CR,"",1,3)
'Bring in the result from either command and process it.

'Discard characters in the receiver buffer up to and including
'asterisks "*"
SerialIn (xmit_str,COMPRT,50,"*",40)

'Capture the PS/CH200 response string after the asterisks and
'including the string terminator hexadecimal zero (&H00).
SerialIn (CH200string,COMPRT,50,&H00,140)

'Return strings are different for both instructions. Have to process
'them different as well.

OK_Loc = InStr(1,xmit_str,"O",2)
ReturnStr = Mid (xmit_str,OK_Loc,2)

'When the test is over reset the timer and turn of the TestBatt flag.
Timer (1,Min,3)
TestBatt = Off


'Get the PS/CH200 status information.

'Call WAKEUP to wake up the PS/CH200.
'Send "read status" command to PS200 followed by a carriage return.

SerialOut (COMPRT,CH200STATS_CMD,"",1,3)
SerialOut (COMPRT,CR,"",1,3)

'Discard characters in the receiver buffer up to and including
'asterisks "*"
SerialIn (xmit_str,COMPRT,50,"*",40)

'Capture the PS/CH200 response string after the asterisks and
'including the string terminator hexadecimal zero (&H00).
SerialIn (CH200string,COMPRT,50,&H00,140)

Check_sum = CheckSum (CH200string,5,0 )
'For the string to be correct the check sum must be zero.
If Check_sum = 0 Then

'Split up the main string from PS/CH200 into separate components.
SplitStr (CH200_M0(),CH200string,COMMA,9,4)
'Sort out the components to specific variables.

VBatt = CH200_M0(1)
IBatt = CH200_M0(2)

ILoad = CH200_M0(3)
V_in_chg = CH200_M0(4)
I_in_chg = CH200_M0(5)

Chg_TmpC = CH200_M0(6)
ChargeState = CH200_M0(7)
ChargeSource = CH200_M0(8)

Ck_Batt = CH200_M0(9)
'Values for check battery start with zero. Have to shift the value
'by one to line it up with the correct words in the array.

CheckBattery = CheckBatteryArr(Ck_Batt + 1)

'Get the PS/CH200 extended status information.
'Call WAKEUP to wake up the PS/CH200.

'Send "read extended status" command to PS/CH200 followed by a
'carriage return.

SerialOut (COMPRT,EXTSTATS_CMD,"",1,3)
SerialOut (COMPRT,CR,"",1,3)
'Discard characters in the receiver buffer up to and including

'asterisks "*"
SerialIn (xmit_str,COMPRT,50,"*",40)
'Capture the PS/CH200 response string after the asterisks and

'including the string terminator hexadecimal zero (&H00).
SerialIn (CH200string,COMPRT,50,&H00,140)

Check_sum = CheckSum (CH200string,5,0 )
'For the string to be correct the check sum must be zero.
