7. ps200 connected to a cr1000 via rs-232, Figure 6-7 – Campbell Scientific PS200/CH200 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual

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PS200/CH200 12 V Charging Regulators

The RS-232 settings are:

Bits per second: 9600
Data bits:


Parity: None
Stop bits:


Flow Control:


Green: C1 (Tx)
White: C2 (Rx)
Black: G
Shield: G

FIGURE 6-7. PS200 connected to a CR1000 via RS-232

The PS200/CH200 will answer via RS-232 when commanded by an
RS-232 host. The host initiates communication by sending an ASCII
command string (ASCII '>'). Communication must be terminated with a
carriage return, denoted below by which is the ASCII hexadecimal
character 0D. The PS200/CH200 response string will begin with the ASCII '*'
character followed by the requested data strings separated by commas and then
two check sum characters and finally the string termination character,
hexadecimal 00. The check sum characters are computed within the
PS200/CH200 and deciphered by the datalogger using the CRBasic instruction
“CheckSum (ch200string,5,0 )”. A correct check sum will produce a result of
zero. A non-zero result would indicate that transmission error(s) occurred. See
more about how to use the check sum instruction below.