2 sdi-12, Sdi-12, 5. downloading a new operating system – Campbell Scientific PS200/CH200 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual

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PS200/CH200 12 V Charging Regulators

PS200/CH200 from the list on the left hand side of the Device Configuration
Utility. Select the tab at the top marked “Send OS”. Click on the “Start”
button at the bottom of the screen. A dialog box marked “Select the operating
system to send” should appear. If the operating system was stored on the
computer as shown above then navigate to the
“C:\Campbellsci\LIB\OperatingSystems” folder. Select the file “CH200.a43”
and click on the “Open” button. If you stored the file somewhere else on this
computer then go find it and open it. The LED indicator on the PS200/CH200
marked “CHG” should change from red to green indicating the module is
receiving a new operating system. This will take a few minutes. DO NOT
disconnect from the PS200/CH200 during this process. When the operating
system has been successfully sent the green LED will go out. Device
Configuration Utility will also bring up a window showing the new operating
system was successfully sent.

FIGURE 6-5. Downloading a new operating system

6.2 SDI-12

SDI-12 is a serial communications standard specifically designed for reading
measurements from multiple measurement sensors to a “data recorder”, which
in this context is synonymous with datalogger. For a complete technical
definition of the SDI-12 protocol, go to the web site,


The PS200/CH200 is an SDI-12 sensor compliant with version 1.3 of the
standard, and Campbell Scientific loggers are capable of acting as SDI-12
recorders. A Campbell Scientific datalogger or other SDI-12 recorder can be
connected to a PS200/CH200 via the cable Campbell Scientific part # 20769.
SDI-12 uses only one wire and a ground for serial communications. The