3 theory references, Theory references – Campbell Scientific IRGASON Integrated CO2/H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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Integrated CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer

11.3 Theory References

Kaimal, J. C. and Businger, J. A.: 1963, “A Continuous Wave Sonic

Anemometer-Thermometer”, J. Applied Meteorol.,

2, 156-164.

Kaimal, J. C. and Gaynor, J. E.: 1991, “Another Look at Sonic Thermometry”,

Boundary-Layer Meteorol.,

56, 401-410.

Fleagle, R. G. and Businger, J. A.: 1980, An Introduction to Atmospheric

Physics, Academic Press, Inc., New York.

Liu, H., Peters, G., and Foken, T.: 2001, “New Equations for Sonic

Temperature Variance and Buoyancy Heat Flux with an Omnidirectional

Sonic Anemometer”, Boundary-Layer Meteorol.,

100, 459-468.

Schotanus, P., Nieuwstadt, F. T. M., and de Bruin, H. A. R.: 1983,

“Temperature Measurement with a Sonic Anemometer and its Application

to Heat and Moisture Fluxes”, Boundary-Layer Meteorol.,

26, 81-93.

Wallace, J. M. and Hobbs, P. V.: 1977, Atmospheric Science an Introductory

Survey, Academic Press, Inc., New York.