Initial inspection, Overview, Specifications – Campbell Scientific IRGASON Integrated CO2/H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 12: 1 measurements, Measurements

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Integrated CO




O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3D Sonic Anemometer

o The SDM, USB, and RS-485 output options include IRGASON

diagnostic data. Be aware that the absence of diagnostic data in

the analog output option could make troubleshooting difficult and

may lead to the user not being aware of potential problems with

the instrumentation (see Section 8, EC100 Outputs).

o Resting the analyzer on its side during the zero-and-span

procedure may result in measurement inaccuracy.

o When cleaning the gas-analyzer window, make sure the alcohol

and any residual water completely evaporate before proceeding

with the zero-and-span procedure (see Section 9.3, Gas-Analyzer

Window Cleaning).

3. Initial Inspection

Upon receipt of the IRGASON, inspect the packaging and contents for

damage. File damage claims with the shipping company.

4. Overview

The IRGASON is an in-situ, open-path, mid-infrared absorption analyzer

integrated with a three-dimensional sonic anemometer. The gas analyzer

provides measurements of absolute densities of carbon dioxide and water

vapor, while the sonic anemometer measures orthogonal wind components.
The IRGASON is measured and controlled by the EC100 electronics, which

synchronizes gas and wind data, essential for valid flux calculations using the

eddy-covariance method. The EC100 electronics also uses inputs from an

included temperature thermistor probe and a barometer. “IRGASON” and

“EC100” are often used interchangeably in this manual.
The IRGASON has been optimized for remote eddy-covariance- flux

applications, addressing issues of aerodynamics, power consumption, spatial

displacement, and temporal synchronicity. Specifically, its unique design

contains no obstructions surrounding the sample volume; it operates with only

5 Watts of power at room temperature; it has no spatial displacement between

the sample volumes of the gas analyzer and the sonic anemometer; and the

EC100 synchronously samples data from the gas analyzer and sonic


5. Specifications

5.1 Measurements


To compute carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes using the eddy-

covariance method, the IRGASON


o absolute carbon dioxide

o water vapor densities

o three-dimensional wind speed

o sonic air temperature

o air temperature

o barometric pressure