Campbell Scientific CDM-VW300 Series Dynamic Vibrating-Wire Analyzer System User Manual

Page 86

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Appendix E. Calculating Measurement Error

where N is the noise value given in TABLE 5-3, CDM-VW300/305 Effective
Frequency Measurement Resolution,
corresponding to the sample rate being

E.2 Example Error Calculation: DGSI Embedment

Strain Gage

For Durham Geo Slope Indicator embedment strain gages, K = G, where G =

So, for microstrain,

µε = Gf


And for effective resolution,

∆ µε = 2GfN

E.3 Example Error Calculation: DGSI Spot-Welded

Strain Gage

For Durham Geo Slope Indicator spot-welded strain gages,

µε = Af


+ C

Where A = 7.576E–04 and C = –2030.1

So, K = A, and the above formula stands as it is for specifying the output.

When calculating the effective resolution, the constant C does not vary with
frequency, so it can be ignored for the very small changes in frequency that are
of concern. The formula becomes,

∆ µε = 2AfN

E.4 Example Error Calculation: Geokon 4420 Crack


The displacement, s, measured by the crack meter is given by the formula:

s = (Gf


/ 1000) + Kt,

where G is the linear gage factor, K is a thermal factor, and t is the temperature
of the sensor. During a short measurement interval, the assumption is made
that there is no change in the temperature of the sensor. So, for small changes
in sensor displacement, K is assumed to be constant, and the Kt term is ignored
when calculating the output error. The resulting equation is,

∆s = 2GfN / 1000
