Figures – Campbell Scientific AP200 CO2/H2O Atmospheric Profile System User Manual
Page 9

Table of Contents
AP200 Pump Replacement ...................................... J-1
4-1. Interior of AP200 system enclosure ..................................................... 3
4-2. Side view of AP200 intake assembly ................................................... 3
4-3. Side view of earlier generation AP200 intake assembly ...................... 4
4-4. The IRGA installed in the AP200 system enclosure ............................ 4
4-5. Campbell Scientific NL115 and CFM100 CompactFlash
memory card ..................................... 5
4-7. AP200 keyboard display mounted in system enclosure ....................... 6
4-8. AC/DC power adapter kit installed in AP200 ...................................... 7
4-9. 17752 USB memory card reader/writer ............................................... 8
4-10. 107-L temperature probe mounted with radiation shield ..................... 8
4-11. CR1000KD handheld keyboard/display ............................................... 9
4-12. Syringe filter of current AP200 intake assembly ............................... 10
4-13. Disk filter of early AP200 intake assembly ........................................ 10
4-16. Diaphragm pump used in AP200 ....................................................... 11
4-17. Plumbing diagram of AP200 system .................................................. 12
4-18. AP200 intake assembly shown open .................................................. 13
4-19. Nominal ambient pressure as related to increasing elevation ............. 14
4-20. Nominal sample flow rate as related to increasing ambient
4-21. Valve module and Swagelok
feedthrough fittings on bottom
of AP200 enclosure ........................................................................ 15
4-22. Pump module of AP200 system ......................................................... 17
4-23. Average power consumption relative to temperature ......................... 19
5-1. Installation (showing mounting hardware) of AP200 system
enclosure on UT30 tower ............................................................... 21
5-2. Mounting clip orientation for pipe diameters between 1.3 and
5-3. Mounting clip orientation for pipe diameters between 3.9 and
5-4. Installation of AP200 assembly on a small-diameter pipe (left)
and large-diameter pipe (right) ....................................................... 23
5-5. Tubing connections on bottom of AP200 enclosure .......................... 24
5-6. Labeled inlet connections inside enclosure ........................................ 24
5-7. Tubing connections from four intake assemblies connected to
5-8. AP200 system enclosure configured with cylinders of zero air
.......................................................................................... 26
O span inlet configured for a dewpoint generator .......................... 27
5-10. AP200 earth grounded on a UT30 tower ............................................ 27
5-11. Cable feedthrough cap shown removed to admit cables into the
system enclosure ............................................................................. 28
5-12. Proper wiring of heater cable onto DIN bus of AP200 system
5-13. Use AP200 system screwdriver to open contacts for wiring heater