Campbell Scientific AP200 CO2/H2O Atmospheric Profile System User Manual

Page 48

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AP200 CO




O Atmospheric Profile System

LEVELS_USED: This is the number of profile levels (air sample intakes) to

be sampled. It must be an integer from four to eight. If fewer than eight inlets

are used, they should be connected to the lowest-number inlets (starting with

one). The default is eight.

The next five variables configure the automatic calibration (zero/span)

sequence. See Section 6, Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA) Zero and Span, for


MEASURE_TANKS: This Boolean variable determines whether the AP200

will periodically switch between the profile sequence and the calibration

(zero/span) sequence. Set this variable to

True to periodically switch to the

zero and CO


span cylinders (tanks). Set it to

False to disable this feature. The

default is


AUTO_ZEROSPAN: This Boolean variable determines whether the AP200

will command the IRGA to perform a zero and span (True) or whether it will

merely measure the zero and span cylinders (False). It is ignored if

MEASURE_TANKS is false. The default is AUTO_ZEROSPAN = True.

CAL_INTERVAL: This variable determines how often (given as time in

minutes) the calibration (zero/span) sequence will be run. It is ignored if

MEASURE_TANKS is false. The minimum time is the output interval (30

min). The maximum time is 1,440 min (once per day).

CAL_TIMEOFFSET: This variable determines when the calibration

(zero/span) sequence is started within the


CAL_TIMEOFFSET is set to zero, the calibration (zero/span) sequence will

start at the start of the

CAL_INTERVAL. Setting this variable to a non-zero

value will delay the start of the zero/span sequence by the set number of


CAL_TIMEOFFSET may be set to any value from zero to


CO2_SPAN_PPM: This is the concentration of the CO


span tank, in ppm. If

MEASURE_TANKS and AUTO_ZEROSPAN are both TRUE, the system

will automatically span the IRGA to this value during the zero/span sequence.

This value is also used during a manual CO


span operation. Any value may

be entered for

CO2_SPAN_PPM, but spanning the IRGA will be disabled

unless the value is between 100 and 20,000. The factory default is –99 to

intentionally disable setting the CO


span until the user enters the value for the



span tank.

The next two variables control the AP200 automatic power shutdown function.

If the supply voltage drops too low, the AP200 automatically powers down as

much of the system as possible. The AP200 requires 10.0 Vdc to 16.0 Vdc at

the input terminals. Note that the voltage measured in the datalogger,

batt_volt, will be approximately 0.3 V lower than the input voltage due to a

reverse-polarity protection diode.

BATT_LOWLIMIT: If the supply voltage batt_volt falls below this value,

the AP200 will set the

batt_volt_LOW flag and shut down as much of the

system as possible until the voltage recovers.


9.7 V to 15 V. The default value for

BATT_LOWLIMT is 9.7 V, which

corresponds to 10.0 V at the input terminal. This power-down feature is to

protect the battery from deep discharge cycles. The user should set