9. 17752 usb memory card reader/writer – Campbell Scientific AP200 CO2/H2O Atmospheric Profile System User Manual

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AP200 CO




O Atmospheric Profile System

than their commercial counterparts. Campbell Scientific recommends the use

of industrial-grade cards, such as the CFMC2G (FIGURE 4-6) available from

Campbell Scientific. For more details about this card, see Application Note

3SM-F, CF Card Information, available from


USB Memory Card Reader/Writer: The 17752 USB memory card

reader/writer, shown in FIGURE 4-9, is a single-slot, high-speed reader/writer

that allows a computer to read a memory card. When used with Campbell

Scientific equipment, the 17752 typically reads data stored on CompactFlash


cards, but it can read many different types of memory cards. The 17752

connects to the computer's USB port.

FIGURE 4-9. 17752 USB memory card reader/writer

Temperature Probes: The AP200 system can measure a temperature profile

at up to eight levels, using 107-L temperature probes. The 107 is a rugged,

accurate probe that measures air temperature from –35°C to +50°C. The "-L"

denotes that the cable length is specified at the time of order.

Radiation Shield: Each 107-L temperature probe is normally mounted with a

41303-5A radiation shield. The 41303-5A is a naturally aspirated, six-plate

radiation shield. Its louvered construction allows air to pass freely through the

shield, serving to keep the probe at or near ambient temperature. The shield's

white color reflects solar radiation.

The temperature probe with its accompanying radiation shield is shown in

FIGURE 4-10.

FIGURE 4-10. 107-L temperature probe mounted with radiation shield