Appendix d. output tables – Campbell Scientific AP200 CO2/H2O Atmospheric Profile System User Manual

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Appendix D. Output Tables

The AP200 program stores data in several output tables. Details are given for

each table.


The primary output table is

IntAvg (Interval Average). A record is written to

this table at the end of every output interval (30 min). Space is allocated on the

memory card for 4,800 records (100 days at one record per 30 min). The CPU

has storage allocated for 480 records (10 days).

This table has a set of values for each level that includes

CO2, H2O,

cell_tmpr, cell_press, NumSamples, and sample_flow. These values are

averages of all samples on that level after omitting data subsequent to the valve

switch for equilibration. For example, if all eight levels are used, the cycle

time is 2 min. In each 2-min cycle, the AP200 will spend 15 s on each level

(one to eight). For each level, the first 10 s are omitted and the remaining 5 s

are included in the averages. For this example, the number of samples in the

half-hour averaging interval will be 5 s x 2 samples/s x 15 cycles = 150

samples. This number will change if a different number of levels is used or if a

zero/span sequence is run during the averaging interval.

If fewer than eight levels are used (as determined by system configuration


LEVELS_USED), the unused levels will contain 0 or NAN.

Note: The columns for extra levels will be omitted if constant

MaxLevels has

been set to a value less than 8.

See Section 5.4.2, Compile Switches, for details on setting program constants.

In addition to the level-specific data, several other parameters apply to all

levels. Some are similar to the level-specific data; they are averaged only

during the time

end_omit = True. The rest of the parameters are averages that

include all data, regardless of


At the end of the table are the average air temperatures for the optional

temperature profile. These data will be included only as specified by constant

N_AirTemps. See Section 5.4.2, Compile Switches, for details on setting

program constants.

The variables stored in

IntAvg are listed below including notes on when

samples are included in the statistic and when the variable will be included in

the TABLE D-1.

TABLE D-1. Variables of the IntAvg Table




When Used in


When Included in







