Horner APG SmartStack I/O HE-MIX902* User Manual
Page 9

10 NOV 2006
This Data Sheet is published individually & also as a part of the SmartStack Supplement (SUP0246-05).
Information is subject to change without notice. SmartStack is a trademark of Horner APG, LLC.
Adhere to the following safety precautions whenever any type of connection is made to the module.
• Connect the green safety (earth) ground first before making any other connections.
• When connecting to electric circuits or pulse-initiating equipment, open their related breakers.
Do not make connections to live power lines.
• Make connections to the module first; then connect to the circuit to be monitored.
• Route power wires in a safe manner in accordance with good practice and local codes.
• Wear proper personal protective equipment including safety glasses and insulated gloves
when making connections to power circuits.
• Ensure hands, shoes, and floor are dry before making any connection to a power line.
• Make sure the unit is turned OFF before making connection to terminals. Make sure all
circuits are de-energized before making connections.
• Before each use, inspect all cables for breaks or cracks in the insulation. Replace
immediately if defective.