Light – Vaisala HMT330 User Manual
Page 111

Chapter 4 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 109
Use the serial line command ? to check the current transmitter
configuration. Command ?? is similar but can also be used if the
transmitter is in POLL mode.
HMT330 / 5.10.0
Serial number : D1140055
Batch number : D0750008
Adjust. date : 2010-12-17
Adjust. info : Helsinki / FIN
Date : 2011-02-09
Time : 09:29:35
Serial mode : STOP
Baud P D S : 19200 N 8 1
Output interval: 10 s
Address : 0
Echo : ON
Pressure : 1013.25 hPa
Filter : OFF
Module 1 : LOGGER-1 (1024 MB; HW: B; SW: 3)
Module 2 : not installed
Use the LIGHT command to view or set the backlight mode of the
display (optional). Issuing the command without specifying a mode
shows the current backlight mode.
LIGHT [mode]
mode =
Operating mode of the display backlight. The options are:
ON (backlight always on)
OFF (backlight always off)
AUTO (backlight automatically turns on and off when
keypad is used)
Backlight : OFF
>light auto
Backlight : AUTO