C.38 – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft Exchange User Manual
Page 148

Description of Events
3PAR Recovery Manager 4.1.0 For Microsoft Exchange 2010 User’s Guide
RME5145: ERROR: Could not
retrieve 3PAR Manager component> license. Contact 3PAR representatives to acquire a valid license. The licence for Recovery Manager component could not be verified. ■ Check to see if there is a communications problem by connecting to the required InServ from the CLI command window. ■ Check the validity of the Recovery Manager License for the InServ using the showlicense command. 5146 RME5146: ERROR: Datastore ‘ mounted to host ' Name>’. The selected Virtual Copy has already been mounted to the specified host. 5147 RME5147: ERROR: Cannot remove a mounted virtual copy. Please unmount it and try again. A mounted virtual copy could not be removed. ■ Unmount the virtual Copy before deleting it. 5151 RME5151: ERROR: The VSS Provider does not appear to be installed. You cannot create a Virtual Copy without the provider. Please Check the VSS provider installation. VSS Provider does not appear to be installed. ■ Verify the proper 3PAR VSS Provider installation via the Add/Remove program or run the vssadmin list providers command to verify the installation. Table C-1. Recovery Manager for Microsoft Exchange Event Messages (continued) Event ID Error Message Description/Action