HP OmniBook 5000 Notebook PC User Manual

Page 101

background image


recovering, 57

system slot. See also cards

location, 7

system version, 62
SYSTEM.INI, 56, 57


temperature limits. See Getting Started
tilt feet

location, 7


power, 53

trackball, 8

adjusting operation, 54
button options, 54
cleaning, 58
in MS-DOS, 55
location, 7
pointer options, 54
troubleshooting, 77, 80

Trackball & Keyboard (OmniBook Tools), 54
trackball pointer

options, 54


display, 86
files and drives, 81
infrared communications, 84
lockups, 89
memory, 80
PCMCIA cards, 81
power, 86
printing, 79
serial communications, 84
startup, 86
trackball and mouse, 80
Windows, 85
Windows 95, 77

turning on and off

automatic timeouts, 53
automatically, 13, 15
display, 42
manually, 10
preventing, 14, 54
Ring signal, 40
security, 25, 26
troubleshooting, 78, 86
while docked, 47

TVM (time value of money), 70
typing special characters, 10


User Tools, 52