HP X500 Data Vault User Manual

Page 99

background image

HP Media Collector

The photo example shows two panes with different file/folder organizations for the same group of
sample photos.

Things to Consider

Organize by Date

Organize by PC Folder Structure

Uses Date Picture Taken tag or Modified Date to
organize files

Sorts files by user or source computer

Good for organizing large groups of unsorted image

Good for maintaining original photo sorting

Reduces duplication of photos

On the left, the files are organized by date

There are two things of interest

1. The photos from the two groups are now grouped together based on date, and

2. The one photo that was duplicated between the two groups is only present once.

The single grouping is what the Organize by Date option accomplishes – it uses the Date Picture
tag within the file to place the photos by date. If this is not set, the system will use the file
property Modified Date to place the photo. Be aware that this model ignores your folder
structure, so it’s most useful in the case where you don’t have a meaningful folder structure (e.g.
unsorted groups of folders or groups based on the camera software’s defaults). Regarding the
duplicate file, only one copy is kept as shown in the example. If two duplicate files are different,
the newest one is retained on the server.