HP X500 Data Vault User Manual
Page 117

HP Video Converter
5. On the Select Video Converter Profile page, click Mobile and then Next.
6. On the Input Folders page, select Videos and click Next.
This assumes you will place all of your original videos that you want to convert in the videos
folder or a subfolder within Videos, and that you want to convert all of your videos using the
mobile profile.
If you want to convert a some of your videos for mobile streaming but not all of them, you could
create a subfolder within Videos called Mobile (\\Videos\Mobile) and select Mobile as your input
folder instead of Videos.
7. On the DVD Settings page, select Break apart each title and click Next.
This setting takes each title within your DVD, and creates a new output file. This option is
recommended because it converts all of your DVD content and it breaks up the content into
smaller files based on the DVD titles. When you watch the video using iStream, you will stream
only the converted video title that contains the movie, and not other artifacts like menus or movie
8. On the Output Settings page, verify that Mobile Default is selected and click Finish.
The HP Video Converter will monitor the Videos input folder, or other folder that you selected,
for new videos and convert them using the mobile settings. The final videos are placed in the
Converted Videos shared folder and are ready to be streamed using iStream. These settings are
also suggested for streaming videos to a Mac or PC using the HP Media Streamer.
Create a Profile to Use When You Want to Copy Converted Videos
to a Mobile Device
You will have different considerations if you want to copy a video to a mobile device such as a
Microsoft Zune or iPod Touch. In this case, the video will be on your mobile device so you do not
have to worry about Internet connection speeds that you have when streaming videos. This often
means that the video resolution can be higher than it is when streaming videos. However, you will
still want to keep the file size relatively small so the video does not consume all of the space on
your mobile device.
1. At the PC, double-click the Windows Home Server icon
in the system tray and log on.
At the Mac, select Launch Home Server Console from the Server menu .
2. Select the HP Data Vault tab.
3. Click Media and then Video Converter in the left menu.
4. Click Configure.
5. On the Select Video Converter Profile page, click Create.
A dialog box opens.
6. Give the profile a Name, such as My iPod, and select iPod/Zune from the drop down list.
7. Click Create to return to the Select Video Converter Profile page.
8. Select the profile you just created from the list and click Next.
9. On the Input Folders page, select Videos and click Next.
Assuming you will place all of your original videos that you want to convert in the videos folder