HP X500 Data Vault User Manual
Page 212

HP Data Vault User's Guide
Determine Used Space on Your Local Disk
Begin by finding out how much space your data currently occupies on your Local disk. When you
set up Time Machine, the minimum backup disk size is automatically calculated for you.
However, you may want to increase the backup disk size depending on how often you create or
change files on your Mac.
1. Open a Finder window and select the Local disk.
2. On the Apple menu bar, choose File > Get Info.
3. In the Local Info window, look in the General section next to find the Used disk space.
Multiply the used disk space by 1.5. The result is the minimum amount of disk space Time
Machine can work with (That’s because Time Machine needs space for all of your files plus some
extra room to enable it to store new data and multiple copies of files that change.). However, more
space is always better, because it enables Time Machine to retain backups that go further into the
past. A backup disk with at least 1.5 times as much free space as the amount occupied on your
local disk is recommended, and more if possible.
Configure Time Machine Backups
Before you begin,
• The HP Data Vault software has to be installed on your Mac. See
Installing and Uninstalling Mac
• You must be logged on to the Mac with an account that has administrator privileges.
To configure the HP Data Vault as a valid Time Machine backup device,