Giving users access to the converted videos folder – HP X500 Data Vault User Manual
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HP Video Converter
Converter to transcode the DVD into a format suitable to streaming to many devices on your
network, in your home, or mobile devices.
1. Insert the DVD in your computer's DVD-ROM drive.
2. Navigate to a folder on your server that is enabled for video conversion.
This is typically your videos shared folder at \\hpstorage\videos. If you changed the name of your
server during the installation, the path will be different. Navigate to \\
3. Create a folder for the DVD content.
4. Navigate to the DVD-ROM in Windows Explorer and copy the Video_TS folder to the folder you
created on your server.
In the example, the full path on the server is \\hpstorage\videos\MyDVD\Video_TS.
5. When the HP Video Converter scans the Videos shared folder it will transcode the DVD content
and put it in a subfolder within \\hpstorage\converted videos.
Giving Users Access to the Converted Videos Folder
You may want to give users on your network access to the Converted Videos folder so they can
see what is in the folder or so they can add, delete, or change videos from the folder. By default,
users have no access to the Converted Videos folder. Users that do not have access to the
Converted Videos folder are still able to stream content from the folder.
Complete the following steps to change user permissions.
1. At the PC, double-click the Windows Home Server icon
in the system tray and log on.
At the Mac, select Launch Home Server Console from the Server menu .
2. Click the User Accounts tab at the of the page. If the User Accounts Setup dialog displays click
3. Double-click a user account to open the Properties dialog.
4. Select the Shared Folder Access tab.
5. Select an access level for the user—Full, Read, or None.
• Full—The user will be able to create, change, or delete any files in the folder.
• Read—The user will only be able to read files in the folder. They cannot create, change,
or delete files in the folder.
• None—The user will not be able to access any files in the folder.
6. Click OK.