My files do not show up on my dma, My files do not show up on my dma 155 – HP X500 Data Vault User Manual

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Media Streaming

Alternately, you can turn off TwonkyMedia media sharing and remove the duplicate HP Data
Vault from your digital media adaptor list.

For additional information on these programs, see

Windows Media Connect 2.0 and

TwonkyMedia Comparison


To turn off TwonkyMedia media sharing

1. At the PC, double-click the Windows Home Server icon

in the system tray and log on.

At the Mac, select Launch Home Server Console from the Server menu .

2. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the Console.

3. Click TwonkyMedia in the left menu.

4. Click S Sharing.

Media Files (Audio/Video) of Supported Format Aren't Seen
by Device.

Possible naming convention issues.

Double-check names on server, make sure they start with a letter, and not a number or symbol.

My Files Do Not Show Up on My DMA

In this article...

Once WMC has been enabled to share a shared folder, it continually monitors the folder for
new files.

If your DMA does not display WMC from the HP Data Vault, or none of your files are found
by the DMA.

If some of your files (e.g., files newly copied to the server) are not found by the DMA.

Digital Media Adapters (DMA, or Digital Media Receivers -


) use the Universal Plug 'n Play





to automatically discover Digital Media Servers (DMS). The HP Data Vault uses

Windows Media Connect 2.0 (WMC) as its DMS. In order for a DMA to discover the HP Data
Vault and access its content, WMC must be enabled. WMC defaults to being disabled; it is
automatically enabled for all DMAs when the server administrator selects one or more of the three

shared folders

(Music, Photos and Videos) for media sharing. On your DMA, you should

then see the HP Data Vault listed as:

: 1 : Windows Media Connect


Some DMAs aggregate the content from all DMSs into a single view; in such a case you may not
be able to identify each DMS individually. Further troubleshooting steps form DMA follow: