Limiting the hpcpiprof output, Additional options, Limiting the hpcpiprof output additional options – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual
Page 54

85189620000 89.5% 89.5% 28200 main myApp
10002660000 10.5% 100.0% 3000 unknown_rou myApp
Limiting the hpcpiprof Output
The hpcpiprof -keep option lists entries only until the cumulative percentage meets a specified
value. This option is useful if you do not want to display entries with low statistical values.
The syntax for the option is as follows:
hpcpiprof -keep percentage
Where percentage is a floating point number in the 0 - 100 range.
For example, the following command displays hpcpiprof per-image data until the cumulative
CPU total is 99.44 percent or greater:
% hpcpiprof -keep 99.44
Event Name Events Period Samples
---------- ------------- ------ ---------
CPU_CYCLES 7969037220000 60000 132817287
CPU_CYCLES % cum% image
---------- ----- ------ ----------------------------
385649e7 48.4% 48.4% vmlinux-2.6.9-34.7hp.XCsmp
198708e7 24.9% 73.3%
192510e7 24.2% 97.5% myApp
10636e7 1.3% 98.8%
4963e7 0.6% 99.4%
2066e7 0.3% 99.7% ipmi_si.ko
Additional Options
The hpcpiprof, hpcpilist, and hpcpitopcounts utilities also support options to perform
the following tasks:
-output-format html
Creates HTML output.
Suppresses the header data output. This option is useful for
programs that parse the output of the utilities.