Using cexec to run rpm on the clients – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual
Page 29
Set the shell variable nn to `nodename` to shorten the commands in the remainder of this
# nn=`nodename`
Where `nodename` resolves to the name of the local node, which is the head node and
image server.
(The nn shell variable is used in the cexec commands to exclude the local node from the
command execution.)
Create a new golden image but do not set the clients for network reboot as follows:
# updateimage --gc `nodename` --no-netboot
Use cexec to copy the image file to the client nodes, run si_updateclient, manually
start the hpcpi subsystem, and restart xinetd. If the packages were previously installed
on the client, you must also remove them before running si_updateclient. For example:
# cexec -x $nn -a scp \
$nn:/etc/systemimager/updateclient.local.exclude \
# cexec -x $nn -a 'si_updateclient \
--quiet --server headNode --image base_image \
--no-bootloader -override base_image'
# cexec -x $nn chkconfig -add hpcpi
# cexec -x $nn /sbin/service hpcpi start
# cexec -x $nn /sbin/service xinetd restart
Where headnode is the name of the head node.
For example:
# rpm -ivh hpcpi-0.6.6-rh4.ia64.rpm \
xtools-common-0.6.6-rh4.ia64.rpm \
xtools-clients-0.6.6-rh4.ia64.rpm \
# nn=`nodename`
# updateimage --gc $nn --no-netboot
# cexec -x $nn -a scp \
$nn:/etc/systemimager/updateclient.local.exclude \
# cexec -x $nn -a 'si_updateclient \
--quiet --server myHeadNode --image base_image \
--no-bootloader -override base_image'
# cexec -x $nn chkconfig -add hpcpi
# cexec -x $nn /sbin/service hpcpi start
# cexec -x $nn /sbin/service xinetd restart
Using cexec to Run RPM on the Clients
This procedure installs the HPCPI and Xtools packages by using cexec to run RPM on each
client. You update the golden image after the packages are installed on the clients so that future
image distributions will include the HPCPI and Xtools software. To use this procedure, follow
these steps:
Log in as superuser on the head node.
If previous versions of the packages are already installed on the system, use rpm -e to
remove them:
# rpm -e package_file package_file...
Do not use the rpm -U command to update previous versions of the packages.
Use RPM to install the packages on the head node as follows:
# rpm -ivh package_file package_file...
Installing the Software