Hpcpi utility options, Specifying an alternate database, Example – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual

Page 51: Specifying an alternate epoch, Selecting data by system

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HPCPI Utility Options

This section describes options for the hpcpiprof, hpcpilist, and hpcpitopcounts utilities.

Specifying an Alternate Database

By default, the HPCPI utilities use the value of the HPCPIDB environment variable as the HPCPI
database directory. Use the -db option to specify an alternate database. The syntax is as follows:

-db database


Specifies the directory for the HPCPI database.


The following example specifies the directory /tmp/cpi/MyOtherDB as the HPCPI database

% hpcpiprof -db /tmp/cpi/MyOtherDB

Specifying an Alternate Epoch

By default, the HPCPI utilities search for data in the latest epoch. Use the -epoch option to
specify an alternate epoch. The syntax is as follows:

-epoch name | latest | latest-k | all


Specifies the name of the epoch. The default epoch naming convention uses the
GMT timestamp for the start of the epoch, in the format YYYYMMDDHHMM
(year-month-day-hours-minutes). The epoch name can also be a user-created
symbolic link to the epoch directory name. For more information, see


Database Directories and Files” (page 113)



Searches the latest epoch for data. This is the default behavior.


Searches the epoch k epochs prior to the current epoch for data.

For example, to display data from the epoch before the current epoch (such as
cases where you just started a new epoch and want to analyze the previous epoch),
specify -epoch latest-1.


Searches all epochs for data.


In the following example, the user starts a new epoch before running myApp. After myApp finishes
running, the user closes the epoch and starts a new epoch:

% hpcpictl epoch #1 Start a new epoch
% ./myApp

#2 Run the program you want to profile

% hpcpictl epoch

#3 Flush data and start a new epoch

% hpcpiprof -epoch latest-1

#4 Select the epoch with myApp data

The second hpcpictl epoch command flushes the data to disk and starts a new epoch, which
becomes the latest epoch. By default, hpcpiprof displays data from the latest epoch, so in step
4, the user specifies -epoch latest-1 to display data from the epoch that was active when


Selecting Data by System

By default, the hpcpiprof, hpcpilist, and hpcpitopcounts utilities search for profile files
in all system subdirectories in the epoch. In single-system environments, there is only one system
subdirectory in an epoch (the subdirectory for the local system), and there is no need to select
output from a specific system.

HPCPI Utility Options