Preparing tns/e programs, Preparing privileged tns/e programs – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

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Preparing Programs

HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide429952-017


Preparing TNS/E Programs

Preparing TNS/E Programs

In TNS/E programs, the retargeting of system procedure calls is performed in the same
manner as it is for TNS and TNS/R objects.

However, since the NonStop AutoTMF runtime for TNS/E programs is implemented as
a DLL instead of as a user library, the PREPARE command simply sets the NonStop
AutoTMF runtime DLL (ESCRUNDL) as a DLL of the program. The example below
shows the preparation of program $data.testobj.egetemp:

Preparing Privileged TNS/E programs

Privileged TNS/E programs can only be linked to licensed DLLs, and non privileged
TNS/E programs cannot be linked to licensed DLLs. As a consequence, preparing
licensed TNS/E programs requires the creation of a licensed version of the DLLs used
for AutoTMF processing.

If the object to prepare is a privileged TNS/E program, the PREPARE command looks
for any required licensed DLL in a subvolume with a name ending in "PRV", overlaid or
appended to the current AutoTMF subvolume name. For example, if the prepared
DLLs are found in $TOOLS.AUTOTMF, licensed DLLs must be placed in

To prepare a privileged TNS/E object file, the user must perform the following

1. Duplicate the ESCRUNDL, and Z*DLL files found in the AutoTMF product

subvolume, for example $TOOLS.AUTOTMF, into subvolume

2. Logon as SUPER.SUPER.

3. FUP LICENSE each of the duplicated DLLs in AUTOTPRV.

4. In Escort, PREPARE the TNS/E object.

AutoTMF 3? prepare egetemp;
--- $DATA.TESTOBJ.EGETEMP preparation complete
AutoTMF 4? info program egetemp,detail;

$DATA5.JOJOTEST.EGETEMP May 6 2005 , 10:09
Executable TNS/E Program
Not Preset; Nonempty Liblist
DLLs: escrundl
Pre-public DLL path: $TOOL.AUTOTMF
Intercept proc calls prepared: 9
Attributes: Highpin, Highrequesters, Visual Inspect
ELD Create timestamp : 6May05 10:06
ELD/Escort Update timestamp: 6May05 10:06

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